
Showing posts from May, 2019

TCP optimization: Three ways to boost TCP/IP-based network traffic

Companies are facing an interesting challenge with regard to their wide-area-network ( WAN ) planning. Three out of four organizations report no growth in budgets, and overall planned budget growth is only 5% to 8%. Budgets are essentially flat. Yet, nearly 50% of organizations project significant increases in bandwidth consumption. Read the article over at Techtarget over here .

An Overview of the TCP Optimization Process

The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) drives major internet operations such as video streaming, file transfers, web browsing, and communications, accounting for very high percentages of fixed access internet traffic and even more of mobile internet traffic. Surprisingly, the TCP performance is yet to reach its full potential. Sub-optimal TCP performance translates into undesirable consequences for the communications service providers, who struggle hard to make the most out of expensive resources, to combat operational inefficiencies, and to provide a high quality of experience to the subscribers. Read the blog over at Radware over here .

10 Reasons to Use SD-WAN

In today’s business environment, you can’t afford to have poor Internet connections. With so many business-critical applications hosted in the cloud, downtime or unreliable connections can cost you dearly.  In addition, if your business has multiple locations, you also need to connect all the offices through an external network and the most common solution is using WAN connections. However, WAN connections can be slow and unreliable at times but thankfully, you don’t have to put up with it anymore. By switching to an SD-WAN technology, you can increase uptime while saving on operational cost. Read the article over at Multapplied over here .

How to Track and Fight Malware, Ransomware, Botnets… using ntopng

Malware blacklists are not something new to ntopng. ntopng (including ntopng Edge) has integrated the emerging threats blacklist for a long time. The 3.6 stable release also introduced some webmining blacklists, which would flag online mining sites and generate alerts. Despite the new integrations, ntopng lacked the ability to inform the user about the lists currently in use and let them verify the update status of each list. For these reasons, we’ve decided to implement the Category Lists , which gives the uses full visibility and control on the lists ntopng uses. Read the blog post over at ntop over here .