
Showing posts from 2021

Another day, another data leak: Fortinet and the security lessons learned

"In September this year, network security solutions provider Fortinet, suffered a data leak which exposed VPN login names and passwords. The exact number of credentials isn’t known. Fortinet said in a blog post that 87,000 had been impacted, while publication Bleeping Computer put the number at half a million .  According to Fortinet, the credentials were obtained from systems that remain unpatched against FG- IR-18 -384 / CVE-2018-13379 – a bug uncovered in 2018 which is now on the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency’s (CISA’s) list of the top 30 most-exploited flaws . Fortinet released a patch in 2019, but even if devices were patched at the time, if passwords weren’t updated, they remined vulnerable." * Read the full blog over on Clavister .

PC Engines 2 x LTE OEM SD-WAN


24V Dc plant for WISP's

Todays video will demonstrate how to use Meanwell power components to build a small 24v Dc Plant with enough power storage for 8 hours. This type of design is a smaller version of what Big telco use at their tower sites. Essentially you dont need a standard UPS as the entire site is running on DC power fed and maintained by a Mains connection. The site efficiency is greatly improved using this approach.  

The 95th Percentile: How to Manage Capacity Before You Run Out

One of the largest challenges with network bandwidth metering is the way traffic flows. Traffic comes in bursts. It’s never a constant, predictable stream of data you can measure once, spec hardware for and be done with (wouldn’t that be nice?!). Instead, you need to account for the dynamic nature of bandwidth utilization and its impact on performance. You’ll never be able to predict every burst of traffic your network experiences. But, with effective performance monitoring , you can significantly improve both your capacity planning and management now and into the future. Tracking bandwidth utilization peaks and averages is useful data, but those metrics can’t give you a complete picture on their own. For that, we’ll take a look at the concept of “the 95th percentile” bandwidth metering, a method of measurement and planning that can help you better understand and manage capacity in your network.  Read the article over at Auvik . 

SDWAN Failover and Bandwidth Aggregation Explained

     A good overview of SD-WAN by Lawerence Systems .

SolarWinds and the Holiday Bear Campaign: A Case Study for the Classroom

Author's Note: Have you been looking for a detailed-but-accessible case study of the Russian cyberespionage campaign that targeted SolarWinds (among others)? The following piece is adapted from my newly-released eCasebook “Cybersecurity Law, Policy, and Institutions” (v.3.1), which is available free and in full (270+ pages) in pdf format  here .  My aim is for this excerpt to be useful especially for teachers and students who want an account that takes the technical aspects quite seriously but is written in a way that non-technical readers can digest. Read the article over here .