
Showing posts from October, 2023

IBM Launches Turnium’s Containerized SD-WAN Into Cloud

  "Turnium Technology Group today announced a collaboration with IBM to deploy its cloud-native SD-WAN platform on the IBM  Cloud for Telecommunications service.  The Vancouver, British Columbia-based SD-WAN vendor claims the collaboration will help service providers and enterprises deploy, manage, and access edge compute applications over IBM’s private backbone network.  Turnium isn’t a new player in the SD-WAN space having launched its initial white-label offering in collaboration with its sister company Multapplied in 2016 . The company’s cloud-native, container-based SD-WAN platform runs on bare metal, virtual machines, or containerized environments like OpenShift, which coincidentally was acquired by IBM with the purchase of RedHat in 2018." * Read the full article on sdxcentral .

What causes latency and why more bandwidth (often) does not mean lower latency

  "Network Latency, sometimes called delay or just time, is the time it takes for Internet traffic to reach its destination. It is critical to how quickly web pages load, your chance at winning an online game, and how many times you have to repeat yourself in a video conference. The bandwidth of internet access has been steadily improving for decades, but performance in terms of latency has not seen anywhere near the same regular improvement." * Read the full article over at Domos .

Welcome to the Ultimate SD-WAN Guide

"SD-WAN services and equipment come in all shapes and forms today.  To help kick off your research, we’ve put together this the Ultimate SD-WAN guide. Below you will find answers to some of the most common questions asked here at SD-WAN Experts. You’ll also find a list of vendors with brief profiles. We’ll be updating those profiles regularly so you may want to check back on them.  But no WAN deployment is ever a matter as simple as “painting by the numbers.” There are always nuances to every installation and while we can offer general observations here, only direct engagement can accurately assess your specific requirements. Fill out the form below for a free, WAN assessment." * Access the guide over at SD-WAN Experts .