3 Things You Need To Consider In A Knowledge Transfer Plan

Adapt Your Digital Transformation Framework To Your Aging Workforce

Your veteran workers are your most valuable resource. With decades of experience managing complex systems, they keep your business running. But what happens when these workers retire? That’s the challenge facing industries around the world. Approximately 72% of Utilities employers are struggling to fill positions due to retiring workers. The situation for Oil & Gas companies is so dire, they’re calling it The Great Crew Change. Leading companies are looking to Digital Transformation to make up the difference. But you won’t benefit from Digital Transformation unless you can transfer knowledge from experienced workers to new hires quickly and seamlessly. If you want to stay competitive, you need a knowledge transfer plan that accomplishes two things:
  1. Preserves the best elements of your business.
  2. Paves the way for innovation.
Keep reading here for the top three elements you need to include in a knowledge transfer plan.
