Important IT metrics to dashboard

You cannot manage it if you don’t measure it

A suitable set of metrics needs to be selected that can be used to determine the efficiency and effectiveness of Information Technology (IT). To assist in this selection the following important IT metrics to dashboard is provided:

Service quality

  • Analyse service quality, Improve service quality, Report service quality performance
  • Create service performance deviation report, Track and manage service quality performance deviation
  • Determine SLA transgressions, analyse SLA modifications.
  • Close service quality deviation report

Metrics being measured

  • ·The service will be available x% of the time during business hours and x% of the time during non-business hours. Any outage in excess of x minutes (or x outages with 24 hours) is considered a deviation.
  • ·x% of service transactions should have x seconds or less response time, defined as the interval from the time the user sends a transaction to the time a visual confirmation of transaction completion is received.
  • ·The service support team will respond to incidents that affect multiple users (> 10) within x minutes, and will start diagnosing with x minutes. Incidents that affect a single user will be responded to within x minutes, and will start diagnosing in x minutes. Updates will be given every x minutes.
  • ·The service team will respond to non-critical inquiries within x hours, and deliver an initial answer within x hours, and update status every x hours. A non-critical inquiry is defined as a request for information that has no impact on the service quality if not answered or acted upon promptly.


  • Availability – Productive time lost by customers and IT resources, Income lost, Overtime required by support teams, Materials consumed, Penalties for contract non-performance, Lost business opportunities, Customer satisfaction impact
  • Capacity - Workload of IT services, Buffer, Number of bottlenecks, Capacity utilization rate, Cost and economic use of resources, Ability to meet deadlines for provision of capacity
  • Change - Number of successfully introduced changes, Ramifications of unsuccessful changes, Process costs, Track record for meeting deadlines
  • Configuration - Completeness of data, Quality and currency of data, Degree of availability to other processes, Process costs
  • Continuity - Time delay and data loss in the event of a situation, Investment and maintenance cost of recovery solution, Successful business continuity tests, Process costs
  • Financial - Adherence to budget, Degree of cost coverage, Liquidity, Process costs
  • Incident - Response rate, Adherence to agreed service level (Response rate, Resolution rate), Cost of the process, Customer satisfaction
  • Inquiry response times, answer times and status updates
  • Percentage of transaction response times more than x seconds
  • Problem - Reduction and absence of incidents, Increased service availability and performance, Great customer satisfaction, Process costs
  • Release - Process costs, Stability of solution, Number of fault free roll-outs
  • Security - Internal and external audit compliance, Number of security incidents, Extent of damage caused as a result of security incidents, Process costs.
  • Service Availability as a Percentage of Normal Business hours
  • Service desk - Increased customer satisfaction, Reduction in complaints
  • Service Incident (affecting multiple users), Service Incident (affecting single users), Response times, resolution times and status updates
  • Service level management - Number of deviations from the agreed services, Extent of service coverage, Customer satisfaction, Availability of service, Performance of services, Service process costs
  • Number of errors found, Customer satisfaction with features and benefits
  • Reduction in service costs, improved coordination with internal and third parties, highly motivated service team members.

* Originally published on LinkedIn by Ronald Bartels.
