Navigating the Cloud: The Synergy of SD-WAN and Modern Enterprise

Ronald Bartels

As we traverse the technology landscape, reminiscing about the days of mainframes and POTS connections, it's fascinating to witness the profound transformation that has unfolded. The genesis of computing, with colossal machines and serial-based communications, foreshadowed the embryonic stages of what we now know as the cloud. Fast forward to today, and we find ourselves amid a confluence of two powerful forces: SD-WAN and the cloud.

Cloud: The Reincarnation of Computer Bureaus

In the nineties, computer bureaus were the go-to solution for enterprises seeking access to mainframes and mid-range systems. These facilities, equipped with Big Iron, served as the technological heartbeats of the era. POTS connections, running at a humble 2400 baud, were the lifelines connecting enterprises to these computing giants. The interfaces of the time were far from the graphical extravaganzas we know today; instead, they optimized efficiency with their green screens. In hindsight, this was Cloud version 0.9!

Rise of the Cloud Providers

Fast forward to the present, and the computer bureaus have reincarnated as cloud providers. Industry behemoths like AWS, Google, and Microsoft have rapidly ascended to become tech giants of global prominence. Amid their ascent, many startups faded into oblivion, yet IBM, the original purveyor of Big Iron, endures. These cloud providers have focused on delivering common business applications, freeing enterprises to concentrate on their mission-critical components—the elements that define their unique value proposition.

The Emergence of Hybrid IT

Within this ever-evolving technological landscape, the concept of hybrid IT has emerged. Enterprises now leverage hyper-convergence to craft on-premise infrastructures. Yet, within this maelstrom, a networking solution is essential. Enter Software Defined Wide Area Networking (SD-WAN), poised to play a pivotal role in this transformation.

The Quest for Seamless Integration

The primary goal is to seamlessly integrate hybrid IT environments, on-premise infrastructure, and cloud services. Legacy branch networks, rooted in MPLS, are ill-equipped for this integration, while SD-WAN thrives in such an environment. An enduring challenge has been the two decades of network-based security, which often results in ponderous firewalls struggling to ingest millions of rules.

Cisco's acquisition of Duo underscores the necessity for an alternative approach. SD-WAN architectures are inherently designed to address this deficiency. Replacing the intricate web of 500 filters in a branch network with a straightforward, point-and-click configuration yields swifter, more secure results. Legacy environments, plagued by their rule and filter excesses, can't match the efficiency and security of this modern paradigm.

Embracing the Future

In this era of technological convergence, where the cloud and SD-WAN intertwine, enterprises have an opportunity to chart a new course. It's a journey marked by agility, efficiency, and security. As we navigate this exciting confluence, we invite you to share your thoughts and insights. Join the conversation as we embark on this transformative voyage together.

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Contact Fusion

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Learn more: Link to contact Fusion about their SD-WAN Solution! 💼🚀

#SDWAN #Connectivity #BusinessContinuity

* Originally published on LinkedIn by Ronald Bartels.
