Navigating the Dark Side of SD-WAN: Unmasking Hidden Challenges


In the ever-evolving landscape of networking technologies, Software-Defined Wide Area Networks (SD-WAN) have emerged as a powerful force, promising enhanced flexibility, improved performance, and cost-effective solutions. However, even in this realm of innovation, the dark side of SD-WAN lurks, presenting challenges that organizations must confront. Let's delve into the shadows and unmask the hidden challenges that might be undermining your SD-WAN experience.

  • Stagnation in Innovation: When the Force Fades Away

One of the primary challenges faced by organizations is when their SD-WAN vendor ceases to innovate. Whether due to shareholders prioritizing financial gains over innovation, as seen with Broadcom and VMware, or because the company has been sold and the creative minds have moved on, a stagnant SD-WAN vendor can hinder progress and leave organizations stranded in an era of outdated technology.

  • Security Quandaries: The Quest for Fort Knox-level Protection

Security is a critical aspect of any network infrastructure, and many SD-WAN vendors offer proprietary platforms. However, some organizations find solace in the security offered by Linux-based solutions. With security as robust as Fort Knox, Linux-based SD-WAN solutions provide a level of trust and reliability that is paramount in the ever-evolving landscape of cyber threats.

  • Upgrade Dilemmas: The Meraki Predicament

Forced upgrades and extended support plans can be a thorn in the side of organizations, especially when dealing with vendors like Meraki. The pressure to invest in expensive upgrades or prolonged support contracts can strain budgets and limit the freedom to choose the most suitable path for the organization's growth.

  • Vulnerability Menace: Fortinet's Tangled Web

Security vulnerabilities can plague SD-WAN deployments, with some vendors, like Fortinet, finding themselves on the CISA's list of most vulnerable products. Navigating these vulnerabilities can be a daunting task, and organizations must be vigilant to avoid falling victim to the ever-present threat of cyber attacks.

  • The Illusion of Free: Hidden Costs of 'Free' SD-WAN

Some vendors lure organizations in with the promise of a 'free' SD-WAN solution while offsetting the costs with expensive firewall solutions. This clever maneuvering can lead organizations to pay more than four times the actual cost, making it essential to scrutinize the true value proposition of seemingly complimentary offerings.

  • Bloated Implementations: The Challenge of Zero Trust

Implementing a Zero Trust architecture is a cybersecurity imperative, yet some SD-WAN solutions fall short in providing practical methods for achieving this. Bloated implementations hinder the seamless adoption of Zero Trust principles, leaving organizations exposed to potential threats.

  • Struggling with New Media: High Latency Woes

The rise of high-latency, low-bandwidth media, such as 5G and Starlink, presents a challenge for some SD-WAN deployments. Struggling to support these emerging technologies can hinder organizations from harnessing the full potential of next-generation connectivity.

  • Service Chain and Integration Gaps: The Missing Link

The inability to offer service chaining and seamless third-party integration can limit the adaptability of SD-WAN solutions. Organizations need a network infrastructure that seamlessly integrates with third-party tools and enables dynamic service chaining to meet evolving business needs.

  • Lack of Automation and Observability: The AI Abyss

In an era where automation and observability are crucial, some SD-WAN solutions lag behind in embracing these advancements. The absence of robust automation tools and observability features can hinder organizations from unlocking the full potential of their SD-WAN deployments.

  • Overlooking Operational Technology: A Blind Spot in SD-WAN

Operational Technology (OT) is a critical component for many organizations, and the lack of support for OT in some SD-WAN solutions can create a blind spot. Addressing this oversight is essential for organizations seeking comprehensive and integrated solutions.

  • Certificates Ticking Time Bomb: Cisco's Silent Countdown

The ticking time bomb of expiring certificates can catch organizations off guard, and vendors like Cisco may inadvertently put their customers in a precarious position. Managing expiring certificates is a delicate dance, and organizations must ensure they are not left vulnerable to unforeseen consequences.

In the face of these challenges, organizations must carefully navigate the dark side of SD-WAN, seeking solutions that align with their long-term goals and provide the resilience needed to withstand the ever-changing landscape of networking technologies. Only by shedding light on these hidden challenges can organizations truly harness the power of SD-WAN for a future-ready network. 

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Contact Fusion

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Learn more: Link to contact Fusion about their SD-WAN Solution! 💼🚀

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