Kentik: Network Intelligence For The Cloud-Native World

Avi Freedman, Co-founder and CEO of Kentik, demonstrates how to build a monitoring dashboard for cloud-native applications during the Packet Pushers Virtual Design Clinic 4 held on March 14, 2019. The presentation is a mix of slides and live demonstration of a microservices-based Sock Shop running in Google Compute Platform. Kentik ingests GCP flow records, parses the metadata, and displays exactly how the components of the Sock Shop are interacting with each other and the outside world. The data was created on-the-fly by the live attendees of this presentation browsing the demo Sock Shop. Register for the next Packet Pushers Virtual Design Clinic at They are free, and you won't get any follow up messages unless you opt-in to receive them. Packet Pushers has lots of other material aimed at IT engineers & networkers. Visit and subscribe to our podcast network--over 1,000 episodes in our archives, with fresh content several times per week.
